Crypto exchange
Seamlessly trade between digital currencies/assets on the go.
Multi-Asset Support
Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, TRX, Dogecoin & more.
More Than 10+ Payment Methods
Buy and sell Crypto with over 10+ payment methods, including bank transfer, cash, PayPal, and multiple e-wallets.
Hola Smart P2P
Smart auto-matching P2P engine. Select a payment method you like and trade directly with other people just like you!
Instant Transfer
Get paid with a tap, from anyone, fast and easy, without any fees.
Hola Earn
Receive up to 60% APY on your cryptocurrency. That's the highest reward ever offered for staking!
And most importantly, it's Simple
Go from cash to Crypto, the easiest.
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Very nice
Very nice
Proyek hebat
Great project